Tech Giants Team to Form Climate Impact Symbiosis Coalition

R. Pritchard

Summary Bullets:

• Google, Meta, Microsoft, and Salesforce to pursue nature-based carbon removal procurement in their sustainability efforts, and to encourage others to follow suit.

• Large tech companies continue to lead in the battle against climate change, whilst also being major consumers of energy, water, and other natural resources.

Google, Meta, Microsoft, and Salesforce have formed the Symbiosis Coalition, which aims to facilitate an “advanced market commitment” (AMC) of up to 20 million tons of nature-based carbon removal credits (defined as “measurable, verifiable emission reductions from certified climate action projects”). The agreement is believed to be “the first and largest AMC ever” (surely being the first, it must be the largest…) for nature-based carbon removal, equating in volume to the 2030 carbon removal goals of the state of California.

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Huawei Analyst Summit 2024: Huawei’s Focus on AI is Trying to Address Industries Outside its Traditional Telco Domain

B. Valle

Summary Bullets:
• At the Huawei Analyst Summit (HAS 2024) hosted in Shenzhen, analysts and press had the opportunity to find out more about the company’s “All Intelligence” strategy.
• The company is focusing on extending its reach across international markets outside its domestic market in China, particularly in EMEA and Latin America.

During his keynote address, Chairman Eric Xu emphasized that over the past 300 years, humans have gone through three industry revolutions: the intelligent revolution; the information revolution; and the computing revolution. In the next 20 years, we will enter an age of “all-intelligence”; with four technical breakthroughs responsible for that achievement: mathematic computing; clean energy; powerful and affordable pervasive computing; and the information explosion generated by using and creating massive amounts of data.
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